Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS


PHANGS (Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS) has conducted the principal ALMA Large Program for nearby galaxies, and has obtained CO (2-1) maps for a complete sample of 74 spiral galaxies. HST and JWST imaging spanning from the near-UV to 21 microns for all 74 galaxies is being obtained through five PHANGS programs:

The combination of these surveys provide the first dataset to enable the multi-phase, multi-scale study of star formation across spiral galaxies in the local universe, from star clusters and molecular clouds to galactic disks.

U.S. Postal Service issues stamp with a PHANGS image on January 21st 2025



NGC 628 USPS stamp

The U.S. Postal Service celebrates our continued exploration of deep space with a captivating new Priority Mail stamp. Like a sprawling celestial nautilus located 32 million light-years from Earth, spiral galaxy NGC 628 provides clues to how star formation occurs, and galaxies evolve. Captured in unprecedented detail by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in 2022, this and other images of spiral galaxies help scientists investigate the star formation cycle in galaxies on an unprecedented new scale and provide valuable new clues to the origins of our universe. Here is a link to the USPS article

Funding shortfall for Hubble impacts PHANGS science



Due to a severe reduction in NASA funding for HST programs, we regret to announce that high level image and catalog products will not be released from PHANGS-HST2 (GO-17502), which is supported at a per-orbit-level ~4 times lower than the original PHANGS-HST Treasury program (GO-15654). Funded PHANGS-HST2 activities will focus on science analysis of star clusters, and will exclude the study of multi-scale associations and HII regions that was described in the approved proposal.

PHANGS Press and Data release


On Monday January 29th 2024 there was a press and data release for PHANGS-HST-JWST                          

NASA Press Release

STScI/MAST PHANGS parent website

Direct access to STScI Office of Public Outreach color images

PHANGS-JWST ApJL First Results Special Issue


PHANGS JWST First Results JWST is revolutionizing fields across astrophysics, and chief among them is the study of the earliest stages of star formation and the dusty interstellar medium (ISM). On February 2023, a special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Letters was printed to celebrate the first results.

JWST Cycle 1 Treasury Program

A JWST Cycle 1 Treasury Program to image 19/38 galaxies with full coverage by ALMA/MUSE/HST with NIRCAM and MIRI has been approved. A January 2022 article entitled Capturing All That Glitters in Galaxies With NASA’s Webb provides an overview of the PHANGS-JWST survey understandable to the public.

PHANGS-CAT Data Release 1 (2022)


PHANGS-CAT DR1 at MAST provides catalogs for compact clusters and a separate set of catalogs for multi-scale associations for five galaxies: NGC 1433, NGC 1566, NGC 1559, NGC 3351, and NGC 3627. Please see the PHANGS-CAT site at MAST for more information.

PHANGS-HST Data Releases 1 & 2 (2021)


PHANGS-HST DR1 & DR2 at MAST provides imaging for all 38 galaxies in the sample, as well as visualization tools, and neural network models for star cluster morphological classification. Please see the PHANGS HST site at MAST for more information.

HST and ALMA: Probing the life-cycle of star formation regions

PHANGS-HST and PHANGS-ALMA observations of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC1559. The high angular resolution afforded by HST allows for the identification of individual young star clusters that have just emerged from their birth cloud as seen by ALMA.

NGC 1559 in optical light: white light (red), H-band (green), NUV (blue)
NGC 1559 in optical light with molecular gas distribution added in red.
The molecular gas distribution from ALMA is remarkably similar to the dust lanes seen in optical light.

PHANGS Team                      See the full list of PHANGS team members

Galaxy sample and data access table

Access sample data

PHANGS-HST Publications                      List of PHANGS-HST publications in ADS



NGC 2775 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


NGC 2835 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


NGC 1365 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


NGC 1792 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


Release of the 2021 ESA/Hubble Calendar




NGC 4535 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


NGC 4826 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


M66 Astronomy Picture of the Day.


M61 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


IC1954 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


NGC1385 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


NGC2903 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


NGC1317 ESA/Hubble Picture of the Week.


Capturing All That Glitters in Galaxies With NASA’s Webb